Bali Provincial Government continues to campaign about Bali Free Plastic Waste. Understandably, the Provincial Government in the 2013 Bali Bali targets must be free of plastic waste.
"It has become common commitment Bali Provincial Government together with districts and municipalities throughout Bali and other stakeholders and the entire community to realize that Bali is clean, healthy, beautiful, green, and sustainable. The first thing that became the focus is memebaskan Bali from plastic waste in 2013 , "said Environment Agency Head of Bali Province AA Gede Alit Satrawan.
Joint commitment is really not kidding. Currently Bali provincial government will issue a draft regulation concerning waste treatment system that included the prevention and reduction of plastic waste in the whole of Bali. This means that plastic waste is currently a major focus for this small island of Bali which was not met by various types of plastic that breaks down or destroyed only bias in the period 500 to 1000 years into the future.
Ranperda who will become new law will come into force early in 2011. In the new law will be regulated on various matters relating to the reduction of plastic waste. Among other things, any business activity that produces the plastic then the employer is obliged to conduct its own handling of plastic produced, budget handling, including penalties.
While waiting for these regulations, the current provincial government of Bali has conducted several campaigns to the general public, shopping malls, traditional markets, and shops to reduce plastic bag. Pemmerintah also will print thousands of notices, stickers, banners, to be distributed and pasted from temples, churches, mosques, schools, markets, malls, terminals, ports, and various other crowded locations.
Contents about the dangers of plastic waste and ways to prevent it. In addition, socialization or education will continue to be done to the village and about sorting plastics and other organic waste.
Prior to enact legislation, the government will also give awards to groups or individuals who can collect the plastic waste with a certain volume. The funds are taken from Bansos funds will be given to the parties that can collect and manage plastic waste.
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