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Monday, 5 July 2010

Microsoft About Windows 8 Leaks to Internet

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta - A document sent to the client computer manufacturer Microsoft leaked to the Internet. Documents show the outline of a large project of Microsoft, namely Windows 8.

In the slides that document are shown in Microsoft's vision for the ecosystem of Windows 8, namely: the targeted computer design, hardware capabilities, and demand that this parameter will be installed on OEM computers. One feature that looks ambitious is Windows Store. This is a store for application software developers who will be easily accessible from Windows or from the Internet.

This store will handle standard features, such as account management and software updates, providing the ability to replicate applications and their management in a variety of different devices. Targeted competitor is the App Store from Apple.

Microsoft itself is actually already have the Microsoft Marketplace although not successful. So, odd that when a company based in Redmond, United States, tried again.

Windows 8 prepared as the successor to Windows 7, which was launched in October last year. His ability has been improved. When the previous Windows 7 not too much to reach the sensor and location-based applications and Windows 8 will be better.

According to Microsoft, Windows 8 will reach a wider range of sensors. Like GPS, the BTS tower-based positioning, proximity sensor, accelerometer, and a web camera.

In a document distributed in April did not say when Windows 8 will be launched. However, there are also mentioned about the plan to release Beta versions of Internet Explorer 9 in August.

Microsoft spokesman declined to comment on the documents and their validity. But analysts said that document, even if true, better known as a mere discourse.

Section, the Windows 7 just a year old yet. Therefore, there may be Windows 8 is launched before 2012.

"That document is an effort to get input," said Matt Rosoff, an analyst with Directions on Microsoft. "This is an effort from Microsoft to say what they are thinking."


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