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Thursday, 8 July 2010

Microsoft Office 2010 Certification

For years, Microsoft and other companies like Cisco and Novell, have offered certifications to help validate a technical skill set. It could be servers, routers, or networking as the knowledge base became more sophisticated so did the need to demonstrate proficiency.

With the release of Office 2010 Microsoft is extending the certification track to applications. This is not the first time as Microsoft has had certifications for its Office 2003 and 2007 suite. The difference now is that in today’s economy expertise is valued and can make the difference in whether one gets a job or even a job interview.I am a technical trainer for New Horizons in Texas, and I have pushed various certifications and certification tracks to the students that enroll in our program. The MCSE (Networking Engineer), MCSA (networking knowledgeable but not at the engineer level), MCITP (specialized in different technical areas), MCTS (specialized exams), MDPD (programming), are certs that have on more than one occasion have led to job interviews, and employment as well. This even though some students come in with a wealth of technical experience; they weren’t even able to get an interview. But the cert changed that.

The MOS (Microsoft Office Specialization) cert that Microsoft is touting gives consumers a knowledge base that many didn’t have before, or only skimmed over. Take Excel for instance; many users of Excel have a basic understanding of the spreadsheet program. Their knowledge comes up short on areas of If Statements, and advanced formula construction.

The MOS certification program is designed to prepare students and professionals for the work force and college. Many high schools are offering MOS training to help students prepare for college or the work force. MOS helps individuals gain mastery of all Microsoft Office applications including Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook, SharePoint Server, and Project.

The 2010 MOS certification programs provide three levels of certification: Specialist, Expert and Master. Each successive level requires individuals to master a greater number of programs. Testing is conducted by Certiport, a commercial testing service, at more than 10,000 testing sites in schools and businesses around the world.


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