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Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Game For Windows 7

Right now, the newest version of the Windows operating system, known as Windows 7, is close to being released to the general public for sale. Like previous versions of Windows software, there will be new features to discover and play around with, especially in the games department. If you ever wondered what kind of preinstalled games Windows 7 has to offer, then here is your chance to find out.Windows 7 Desktop Games

Windows 7′s built-in game catalog will come well-stocked with interesting games that help pass the time. Most of these games were brought over from Windows Vista, such as Chess Titans, Hearts, Mahjong Titans and Purble Place. Old-school favorites such as Minesweeper, Solitaire and FreeCell also make a comeback from other Windows versions. The only troubling thing about this new lineup of games is that one is noticeably missing from the picture. For some reason, Inkball, a game that can be found on Windows Vista, is a no-show in Windows 7. But considering that Windows 7 is still close to the release candidate stages, anything can change.
The Windows 7 operating system also comes with Internet games such as Internet Backgammon, Internet Checkers and Internet Spades. These games have been noticeably revamped in comparison to their older predecessors, both in looks and feel. With these internet games, you can square off against human competitors online, with three skill levels that match you to equally skilled opponents no matter where they are on the globe, and if your opponent drops out of the game, the computer picks up where they left off in order to finish the game. You can also choose between different card and background designs, as well as track your win and loss stats.
With all of these fun built in games on hand, you are sure to pass the time away in enjoyment. If you haven’t had enough fun, you can also get more games from Microsoft’s MSN Games website just by clicking on the Play Free Games on MSN Games located in the right hand panel of the Games folder.

Now you don’t have to be content with just the games that come with the Windows 7 operating system. There are also games you can buy for your computer that are largely compatible for the Windows 7 operating system, depending on the performance of your machine. You can check the second tab located in the right hand panel within the Games folder to briefly check your computer’s overall performance rating, just in case you want to make sure that your machine has what it takes to run your favorite games.


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